Review : Vitax 750ml 2-in-1 Organic Pest and Disease Control Ready-to-Use Spray
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Main Features : Vitax 750ml 2-in-1 Organic Pest and Disease Control Ready-to-Use Spray
Item Weight 0.85Kg
Vitax Organic 2 in 1 Pest & Disease Control 750ml RTU Spray VTX5O21750
Formulated from a blend of plants and fish oils, Vitax Organic 2 in 1 is effective against the eggs, larvae, nymphs and adult stages of over 25 soft bodied insects including aphids, rust mites, leaf rollers, mealy bugs, scale insects, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies.
It can be safely used on most ornamental, fruit, salad and vegetable plants.
It also provides effective control of certain fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot on roses and helminthosporium and grease spot on citrus plants.
Organic 2 in 1 RTU should be applied as a fine spray covering both sides of the foliage. Some persistent insects may require three or more treatments at weekly intervals until the infestation is under control. Thereafter Organic 2 in 1 can be used as a monthly preventative spray.
Apply at the first signs of insect activity.
Pack size: 750ml.

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